# Description Editor

The SkillTree description editor is a full-featured Rich Text Editor. The editor is used in the dashboard to provide descriptions for Projects, Subjects, Skills, Badges, and also for sending emails to users and project administrators.

The description editor has the following features:

Feature Shortcut Explanation
Copy & Paste Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V Paste anything from browser, screenshot, excel, powerpoint, etc.
Headings Ctrl+Alt+t Supports 6 different sized heading
Bold Ctrl+B Apply bold formatting to text
Italics Ctrl+I Apply italic formating to text
Strike Ctrl+S Apply strike-through formating to text
Font Size Ctrl+Alt+s Apply a specific font size to text
Line Ctrl+L Insert a horizontal line seperator
Blockquote Alt+Q Apply quote formatting to line(s) of text
Unordered List Ctrl+U A bulleted list
Ordered List Ctrl+O A numbered list
Indent Fn+Tab When creating a list, this indent the list one level
Outdent Fn+Shift+Tab When creating a list, this outdent the list one level
Image Ctrl+Alt+i Insert an image. Images may be chosen from a local file, a URL, or copy and pasted.
Link Ctrl+Alt+r A hyperlink to an external resource
Attachments Ctrl+Alt+a Attach a file to the description. Attached files will be stored on the SkillTree server and a link for downloading the attachment will be presented.
Inline Code Ctrl+Shift+C Apply code style formatting inline
Code Block Ctrl+Shift+P Apply code style to a multiline section

Description Editor Image 1 Description Editor Image 2 Description Editor Image 3 Description Editor Image 4 Description Editor Image 5

Last Updated: 11/20/2024, 5:10:03 PM