At the heart of the SkillTree platform is the SkillTree dashboard - a web-based user interface. The SkillTree Dashboard provides these main functions:
- Enables creation and management of an applications' training profile
- Provides corporate visibility of application expertise and offers metrics and various visualizations.
- Enables trainees to take the training by completing skills, gaining points, achieving badges, passing quizzes, completing surveys and much, much more...
- If your organization is running the SkillTree platform, then you will be provided with its URL to get started.
- If you are installing the SkillTree platform from scratch (see Install Guide) then... well you just know where it's running.
Building Training Profile
Whether you are using SkillTree in a Learning Management System (LMS) fashion or integrating gamification training directly into a web application, you will first need to build a training profile. The initial step is to create a brand-new project. Projects are composed of Subjects which are made of Skills, and a single skill defines a training unit within the gamification framework.
Consider the following items when designing your training profile:
- Subjects: Subjects are a way to group and organize skill definitions. They provide a theme for a group of skills and can have their own specific achievement levels.
- Do your best to create subjects in multiples of 3. On a larger screen, the Skills Display renders up-to 3 subjects per row so 3, 6, 9, 12, etc., will look the best.
- Design subjects to encourage your users to be able to achieve sub-specializations within your application. Subjects implement a levels model so users are awarded subject level achievements.
- Skills: A Skill defines a single training unit within the gamification framework.
- To complete a skill, users may need to perform the same action multiple times - repetition is important for retention after all. Each occurrence is called a Skill Event.
- Description is optional and can be used to document training steps or additional references or information related to the skill.
- Help URL can be used to point to additional resources.
- Self Reporting: Self Report is a feature that empowers users to mark skills as completed directly in the SkillTree dashboard OR through the embedded Skills Display component. Training profiles can be crafted consisting of:
- only self-reported skills OR
- a mix of self-reported skills and skills that are reported programmatically OR
- a project could have no self-reported skills at all
- Quiz-Based Knowledge Checks: A quiz is a knowledge check composed of multiple questions with a passing requirement
- Associating a Quiz to a skill will require successful completion of that Quiz in order to earn the skill and its points.
- Surveys: A Survey is a data collection technique utilizing one or more questions.
- Associating a Survey to an existing skill will require completion of that Survey in order to earn the skill and its points.
- When associated to a skill, the survey is a method to gather feedback about that skill or collect some pieces of important data related to the skill.
- Levels: Levels are users' achievement path - the overall goal of the training profile is to encourage users to achieve the highest level.
- Levels are tracked for the entire project as well as for each subject which provides users many ways to progress forward, as well as frequent positive reinforcement opportunities.
- The Skills dashboard supports two ways to manage levels: Percentage Based (default) and Point based. If you are not sure which to go with stick with the default.
- Badges: Badges add another facet to the overall gamification training profile and allow you to further reward your users by providing these prestigious symbols of achievement.
- Badges are a collection of skills and when all of the skills are completed that badge is awarded.
- Global Badges: Global Badges are a special kind of badge that is made up of a collection of skills and/or levels that span across project boundaries.
- Learning Path: Learning Path adds another facet to the overall gamification training profile, which forces users to complete skills in a specified order.
- Cross-Project Prerequisites: Cross-Project Prerequisites facilitate cross-application training and enable users to become domain experts across several applications.
- These dependencies are critical when actions are required to be performed in more than one tool in order to complete a task.